Chief Legal Officer of Henkel North Asia (Greater China, Korea and Japan); Henkel Greater China Executive Committee Member
Professional Background:
With over 19-years experiences in multinational corporation’s legal affairs management andcompliance, Victor used to work in a Hong Kong red-chip mobile communication company, a multi-national cosmetics company, and a world-class retail conglomerate. His extensive experience has equipped him with rich business knowledge of various industries, a sharp sense of different industry sectors and legal practice experiences. Victor has worked at Henkel for over 13 years, during which he has led his team handled numerous and complicated legal affairs and projects in the areas of international & domestic restructuring, divesture, mergers & acquisitions, labor, anti-trust, tax, customs, dispute resolution, government affairs, compliance and corporate governance. Victor’s performances has won him a high recognition from the Headquarters’ management, and he was elected as one ofthe Top General Counsel in 2015 by Asia Legal Business of Thomson Reuters and ranked one of GC Influencer of Greater China by Chambers in 2018 and 2019 consecutively as well as GC Power-list by Legal500 for consecutive years. Victor’s current practices and study interestsconcentrate on the legal systems of foreign direct investment, anti-trust, mergers & acquisitions, tax law, compliance and corporate law. Victor is also an active columnist at LexisNexis China and is invited from time to time by professional forums as the guest speaker on the above-mentioned areas.
现任德国汉高集团北亚区(大中华区、韩国及日本)总法律顾问 德国汉高集团大中华区执行委员会委员
拥有逾十九年的跨国公司法律事务与合规管理经验,曾先后任职于某香港红筹移动通信集团公司、某跨国化妆品企业集团、某世界一流零售集团,积累了丰富的多行业商业知识、商业敏锐度及法律实务经验;任职德国汉高集团至今已逾十三年,期间带领团队处理了数目众多且纷繁复杂的跨境或国内公司重组、业务剥离、并购、劳动、反垄断、税 务、海关、争议解决、政府事务、合规及公司治理等法律事务或项目,业绩获得集团公司管理层一致高度认可,并于 2015 年被 Thomson Reuters 集团亚洲法律杂志(Asia Legal Business)评选为首届中国最佳总法律顾问之一; 此后于 2018 年与 2019 年被钱伯斯评 为“大中华区最具影响力的总法律顾问(25 位)并多年连续入选 Legal 500 GC Power-list。 目前实务与研究兴趣集中于外商直接投资法律制度、反垄断法、并购、税法、合规及公司法律事务管理;并于 LexisNexis 律商联讯开设“总法悦法”专栏,定期撰稿分享专业思考与心得,亦不时应邀于相关外商直接投资、并购、反垄断、海关、合规及公司法律事务管理等专业论坛作为演讲嘉宾。